Monthly Archives: May 2010

Zucchini Carpaccio

I have to admit that I don’t get any magazine subscriptions. Not even food ones. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like to look at their holiday-themed and seasonal ingredient inspired meals! So I look at the Gourmet and Bon Appetit archives on epicurious. When I had some squash that I knew wouldn’t last long (I don’t even remember why I bought it) I browsed through some recipes until I found this and although it interested me enough to add to my recipe box, I needed to make a lot of changes.

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Salmon Packet

Don’t have time to make a delicious fish dish? Think again! Cooking in foil or parchment paper is a quick and easy method, plus it’s very forgiving. I made mine with salmon, whole wheat couscous, veggies, and white wine. I got the idea from Alton Brown, obviously. He has a blackboard full of ideas on pouch cooking in this episode.

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Black and White Cookies

Black and white cookies are SO New York, but when you’ve lived here all your life, you don’t even know that people from outside this city can’t walk down any street and buy these delicious mini-cakes. People from all over the country talk about loving these cookies and stocking up when they’re here, but me, I hardly ever buy them from the store. They’re never as good as they should be, sometimes too sweet, sometimes too hard, and other times just gross (as with a lot of packaged sweets). So I took on the task of making them myself, and boy, I’m glad I did! Continue reading

Meatless Mondays: Lime Coleslaw

Here is a meatless and satisfying side dish for Meatless Monday:

Okay, okay. I know it’s still Sunday! But you have to make this ahead of time to let the flavors really set, so make this tonight before going to bed and eat it with dinner tomorrow!

I had some leftover cabbage and limes from our Pad Thai dinner, so I obviously had to make coleslaw. It’s easy to make, requires no cooking, and is barely any cleaning to do once you’re finished. The result is a crisp, refreshing, and delicious take on coleslaw.

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Crock Pot Chicken and Potatoes

We hope everyone had a lovely Shavuot! But we have another holiday coming up, and you probably want someone else to cook your Shabbat meal for a change. Well, here’s your chance!

I love cooking in a slow cooker. Not only does it cook your dinner for you, but slowly cooking food at a low temperature really brings out different flavors and results in tender meat that just falls off the bone. I defrosted some chicken overnight on Thursday, and on Friday morning I chopped some veggies (I guess you can do that the night before), added some flavoring and liquid, and turned the machine on. I don’t think it gets any easier.

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Crackly Cinnamon Wafers: Take Two

So remember when I made those cinnamon cookies and froze half of the dough? Well, here’s that half, obviously unfrozen and baked. I did things a little differently this time, and I think they held true to their title this time, too; this batch was certainly crackly and wafer-y. Continue reading

Shavuot Recipe Roundup

Shavuot is distinct from most other holidays because we traditionally eat dairy (why?). This means that we can eat gooey cheesey dinners, and more importantly, we don’t have to make desserts using fake butter like we usually do!! So we always pick out some special recipes to share with our family during this holiday.

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Chicken with Shallots

When David Lebovitz posted a recipe for caramelized shallot chicken, I knew I had to try it. Chicken is a cheap, healthy, and easy dinner, and I was blown away by how great his looked and then later by how great mine tasted. This has become a favorite Monday night dinner of mine.

I love shallots, and recently started using them in place of regular onions in many of my recipes. I always have shallots in my onion bowl, so after reading this recipe, I didn’t have to do much shopping, and that totally added to the awesomeness of this dish.

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Pad Thai: Check Out Our Guest Post on Kosher in the Kitch!

Head on over to Kosher in the Kitch for our Pad Thai recipe!

Meatless Mondays: Curried Carrot Soup

Here is a meatless yet satisfying soup for Meatless Monday:

Whenever I go into a Williams-Sonoma, even if I don’t buy anything (you know I want to!), I always leave with something: one of those free recipe cards they give out. This recipe for curried carrot soup is just that. It was hanging on my refrigerator since I moved in over a month ago, but I didn’t have the tools to make it yet. Luckily, I got an immersion blender in the mail (thanks, Claudette and Moe!) and got to make this delicious soup for my guests. Continue reading